Thursday, June 18, 2009

More videos of storm June 17, 2009

I was finally able to get the other 2 videos to work.

Our strom from yesterday June 17, 2009

Here are the clouds and possible some rotation that was above our house and out and around us. It was so cool to watch the clouds in the sky. From what I hear there was a couple of tornado's that touched down in this area one around Summerfield and one around Marysville. My oldest son was taking the video, he loves this type of weather.

I have 2 more videos but they don't want to upload I don't know if they are too big or what. I will work on them and get them post it because they are the better ones.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Our 1st deployment

As time comes closer to the date of his departing I have found myself thinking a lot. When we first found out about his deployment a year ago it seemed so far away but we are down to the last couple of weeks and time is just flying by. There is so many things we wanted to do before he left but we have found ourselves saying well that can wait a little bit longer. Mowing our lawn on Fri which takes 4 hrs I was thinking of all the things I could do while he was gone. I have so many mixed fillings inside. I am scared I want be able to handle things and I don't want to disappoint him but I know I am strong and I can muddle my way through things.
There is always something going on around here so I will always be busy with the boys and things that need to been done around the house. There is a few things I want to try and accomplish while he is gone. I know this will be a great experience for both of us. We have discussed instead of him coming home on his 2 week leave mid tour that we might go over to see him which would be great for the kids. So we got to start saving some money now or trying to make a little extra somewhere. (please click on my ads) Well it is time to get started around the house in my daily activities, I want to start myself on some kind of schedule so I can keep up on things. Now I will get to see what single parents go through on a regular bases. I just might have a few more gray hairs by the time he gets back from these 4 boys of ours. Everyone have a good day, looks as if we will be inside today it is raining here in Kansas.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My 4 Boys

I have 4 boys 16, 11, 9, and 4. Gavin is my 16 yr old and is soon to become the man of the house for a year with the old man leaving on deployment in 2 weeks. Then there is Khristian the 11 yr old he is the stubborn one you say right and he will go left. Then Zachary is my 9 yr he is my mommas boy. And at last is my little Noah is 4 and will be 5 in July. He thinks he is just as big as his brothers. My boys are my life and my world revolves around them. They are involved in just about every sport. Gavin will be a junior next year and it is so hard to believe that. He started cross country this last school year and did very well and played football along with it. He did basketball this last year too but has decided that it just isn't his sport and wants to try a winter track program. Which is a sport he really likes he qualified to go and run at state in the 800m. Didn't have a real good time but I think his nerves got to him being the first time ever competing in a state event. We had 4 go from our small school this year. We now are into baseball season. Khristian did little league football it is so funny watching them because they look so little on a football field. They had a pretty good season, it is more of a learning the fundamentals. He also wrestles for a kids club, this was his 6th year did well had been working a lot on technique then anything. Now in baseball season. Doesn't play a lot but we have so many on the team but he will have his chance. Zachary does wrestling it was his 4th year but just didn't get into it this year. Just not a aggressive kid but likes to got to practice and does well there just not at the tournaments. He also does baseball a young team they have but are getting better every game. Noah got to wrestle this year for the 1st time and he loved it and did very well for a 1st year wrestler. As you can see I spend most of my time a some sporting event. I grow up with 2 older brothers and I guess that is what I was good at so god gave me all boys. There is never a dull moment in this house.

Life's Little Lessons

Just when you think you got things figured out life throws you another issue. I use to own a little cafe and I haven't told everyone the whole story about that because I didn't want to be the one that cause any issues. However I guess the new owner has decided they want to be in the lime light now and start all kinds of rumors and issues. I just wanted to walk away and start my new adventure and go on my merry way. Why do people like to do things like this that is the question I have. Do they get some enjoyment from making other people life's difficult.

For Sale Beagle Puppies

Beagle Puppies for sale! We are 6 wks old and have all our shots & have been wormed.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How time flies by

It seems as if time just flies by these days. About year ago my husband told me he was deploying and I thought I have a lot of time to get things done well here we are and it is about 2 weeks from him leaving. There is so much that needs to be done before he leaves and there is already to much on the calender. I guess it is time I get things under control and get myself on track.


How you love rumors. Why do people like to spread rumors and do they realize the outcome they can have. Whether they are true or not why can't people just mind their own business and be all up into everyone else's lives. I truly think people thrive on negativity. I think in small towns it is worse and you are not from this area and I think I am leaving it at that.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The search of yourself

In search of yourself. Since the lost of my job I have been in search for myself. After years of taking care of the husband and kids I have lost my true self. I am 36 with 4 boys and a husband that is in the National Guard and will be deploying for the first time in our 16 yrs of marriage. I find myself wondering where life has gone. I search on the Internet for ideas for a work at home job knowing I have so much to do right here to keep me busy. But I still have that longing for a job and make money too and still be at home with my family when they need me. I was once a very creative person in high school Arts/Crafts and always thinking of new and inventing things. But now all I think about is what do I have to do for the kids and husband. I feel as if I have truly lost myself and what is my true interest these days. However I live for my kids and myself I think.
So I sit and search on the inerent for something to do with my time while the kids are in school and the husband is at his workplace for a online job, starting a online business, or just anyway to make a little extra income. In the hopes to help strike some type of interst in myself like i use to be. A fun and lively person and full of energy. So I got this idea from a old classmate i found on Facebook (I love this place) for starting a blog and putting my words down in writing.
I feel like I am just rambling on but it seems to be helping just for writing my thoughts down. So now it is time to go and start my new adventures and finding myself once again.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fun & Exciting

I have been in search for something to fill some of my time with since I don't have the cafe anymore and within my search this popped out at me. I can still be at home with my kids and have a income also. They have some great items and it is a great earth friendly fundraiser. So I am now a representative for Go Green Fundraisers.

I am a Go Green Fundraising Representative. It is a great and exciting new fundraiser and is earth friendly. If you would like more information please give me a call 785-713-1983 or email me at